Physical Education Tips from the Trenches PDF
By:Charmain Sutherland
Published on 2002 by Human Kinetics
Teaching physical education is a wonderful opportunity to help young people develop physically active and healthy lifestyles. But, as any physical education teacher knows, there are many challenges on and off the field—ones that you never learn about from textbooks or methods classes. Physical Education Tips From the Trenchesis a lighthearted and inspiring resource that presents 83 solutions to real-world obstacles that every elementary physical education teacher struggles with sooner or later: -An all-day talent show that ruins your best-laid plans -A mother who fears her child will get hurt in your class -A fellow teacher who punishes her students by taking away PE time If these sound like examples from your job, then this book's for you! The author is a physical education teacher who's spent more than a decade in the trenches, and she shares her hard-won solutions in a sympathetic, engaging, and personable style. The result is a survival guide that is enjoyable to read and packed with sensible ways to improve your teaching. Physical Education Tips From the Trenchesfollows a consistent, easy-to-read format that makes it easy to find what you're looking for. When you're wondering “How can I handle this?” simply look up the obstacle. There you'll find mistakes commonly made when dealing with the obstacle; tips for handling the obstacle; a solution; and a relevant, real-life story to provide perspective. Here are some of the book's many other appealing features: -Humorous artwork -Fun chapter headings -An appendix that includes the author's own “kids-say-the-darnedest-things” list—it'll renew your love for your job -Additional real-life anecdotes that illustrate what works and what doesn't If you're a new physical education teacher, you'll learn about events that could—and probably will!—occur during your school day and how to handle them. If you're an experienced teacher, you'll appreciate the fresh, teacher-proven approaches to these challenges. When you read Physical Education Tips From the Trenches, you'll not only find tools to help you provide the best possible physical experiences for your students; you'll also relate to the struggles, laugh, and find new inspiration to make your job more enjoyable.
This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword Physical Education.
Book ID of Physical Education Tips from the Trenches's Books is p4PAyxGNHCMC, Book which was written byCharmain Sutherlandhave ETAG "+CpM7Ja6YsU"
Book which was published by Human Kinetics since 2002 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780736037099 and ISBN 10 Code is 0736037098
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "239 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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