A-level Physical Education PDF
By:David Kirk
Published on 2002 by Human Kinetics
Written by an outstanding team of authors, A-Level Physical Education: The Reflective Performerwas created to meet the specific subject criteria that the Qualifications Curriculum Authority (QCA) has stipulated for the development of A-level specifications in physical education in England and Wales. This indispensable text is comprehensive, accessible and up to date. The content of the text corresponds perfectly to the QCA criteria for A-level study in sport, preparing students as thoroughly as possible for course exams and university-level study. The book presents comprehensive coverage of every dimension of performance studied in A-level physical education: - Educational, ethical and psychological - Biophysical - Historical - Social and cultural - Political and policy-related The book is written specifically with A-level students in mind, so it presents the information clearly and accessibly. It contains powerful teaching tools designed to enhance student learning. Each chapter begins with an overview of the topics discussed, an introduction and target learning outcomes to help students identify the chapter's objectives. Margin notes throughout the text point out key information, allowing students to review the important points and providing an easy-to-follow structure. The book incorporates numerous action-oriented task assignments that allow students to check their understanding of key concepts. The tasks give students an opportunity to put their education to work in practical applications so that they can see how theoretical issues affect real-life situations. Each chapter concludes with a summary and a list of resources for further information. There are also exam-style questions and answers. Students can use the study questions to test themselves on the material, then check their answers for immediate feedback on their progress. The information in A-Level Physical Education: The Reflective Performercan be adapted easily to meet the unique curriculum requirements of different examination-board specifications. Educators can use the corresponding electronic teacher guide and Web site to modify, arrange and supplement the information in the text. The ancillary materials make it easy to find and integrate supplementary information without searching through multiple resources. Because the authors are active researchers who are specialists in their fields, A-Level Physical Education: The Reflective Performercontains the most up-to-date information available. David Kirk and Dawn Penney have been consultants to the QCA for the accreditation of A-level physical education courses. David Kirk, Dawn Penney, Robin Burgess-Limerick and Trish Gorely are lecturers at distinguished universities and are experts on the policy, pedagogy, history and sociology of physical education and sport development as well as biomechanics, physiology, and sport and exercise psychology. Colette Maynard is a teacher adviser for physical education in the Worcestershire Local Education Authority. For a comprehensive, student-friendly, adaptable text that meets QCA and examination-board requirements, turn to A-Level Physical Education: The Reflective Performer. It's a complete resource for A-level study in physical education.
This Book was ranked at 37 by Google Books for keyword Physical Education.
Book ID of A-level Physical Education's Books is a3PnlYMMkz4C, Book which was written byDavid Kirkhave ETAG "aggEbDtFx14"
Book which was published by Human Kinetics since 2002 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780736033923 and ISBN 10 Code is 0736033920
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "373 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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