Teaching Middle School Physical Education PDF
By:Bonnie S. Mohnsen
Published on 2008 by Human Kinetics
Teaching physical education in middle school can sometimes seem like a never-ending journey, but this new edition will help you plan and map out your voyage—and successfully reach your destination. Using Teaching Middle School Physical Education, Third Edition, you can meet the specific needs of middle school students and prepare them for our rapidly changing world while also meeting the latest physical education standards. This comprehensive resource has been updated with many exciting features: -A CD-ROM with examples of task cards, software, and daily lesson plans -Detailed standards-based lesson agendas to help you clearly present the information to your students -Recommended equipment lists and comprehensive information to help you build and implement your program without having to dig through numerous resources -Realigned unit plans to help you document that you are meeting the current national standards -Assessments for every standard in each unit Teaching Middle School Physical Education, Third Edition,provides a blueprint for developing an effective environment and sound curriculum and for teaching and assessing middle school students based on the latest physical education guidelines. Part Iexamines changes in society, technology, health, and education and how you can use those changes to shape your middle school physical education program. Part IIguides you step by step in developing a physical education curriculum from start to finish, including selecting a curriculum committee, defining a physically educated person, and establishing benchmarks in alignment with the exit standards. In this part you'll also learn how to select instructional units, integrate physical education with other subjects, and develop unit and lesson plans. In part IIIyou'll learn about the needs of middle school learners and the corresponding teaching behaviors, instructional styles and strategies, instructional materials, and new technologies that are especially effective at the middle school level. You'll explore how to motivate and reach all types of learners and why and how to select particular teaching styles or strategies. Part IVoutlines a complete physical education program for fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Each unit includes an overview, a list of standards linked directly to the grade-level standards, and a day-by-day lesson outline. You also receive assessment tool ideas for each unit, which are aligned with the standards. Teaching Middle School Physical Education, Third Edition,is both comprehensive and flexible in its approach to providing you with high-quality, up-to-date information that is practical for both veterans and new teachers. This new version will help you stay the course and complete a successful journey with your next physical education class.
This Book was ranked at 18 by Google Books for keyword Physical Education.
Book ID of Teaching Middle School Physical Education's Books is vGAy1zTBjRoC, Book which was written byBonnie S. Mohnsenhave ETAG "ErFRA3V+kLY"
Book which was published by Human Kinetics since 2008 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780736068499 and ISBN 10 Code is 073606849X
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "584 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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